1. 他们在庙里供奉了一尊观音菩萨。
They enshrined a statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva in the temple.
2. 我们每天都向菩萨祈福。
We pray to the Bodhisattva every day.
3. 菩萨的慈悲心是无边无际的。
The Bodhisattva's compassion knows no bounds.
4. 他们信奉观音菩萨。
They worship Guanyin Bodhisattva.
5. 菩萨是佛教中的重要神灵。
The Bodhisattva is an important deity in Buddhism.
6. 她每天都念诵菩萨的名号。
She recites the name of the Bodhisattva every day.
7. 菩萨以普渡众生为己任。
The Bodhisattva takes it upon himself to save all sentient beings.
8. 他们在寺庙里燃起了菩萨的香火。
They lit incense for the Bodhisattva in the temple.
9. 菩萨的形象常常是慈爱和慈悲的象征。
The image of the Bodhisattva is often a symbol of love and compassion.
10. 在佛教故事中,菩萨经常以不同形象出现。
In Buddhist stories, the Bodhisattva often appears in different forms.
11. 她向菩萨祈求智慧和力量。
She prays to the Bodhisattva for wisdom and strength.
12. 菩萨的故事给人们带来了启示和勇气。
The stories of the Bodhisattva bring inspiration and courage to people.
13. 菩萨的慈悲心感动了无数人。
The Bodhisattva's compassionate heart has touched countless people.
14. 他们在庙里举行了一场盛大的菩萨法会。
They held a grand Bodhisattva ceremony in the temple.
15. 菩萨愿意放下自己的福报,救度众生。
The Bodhisattva is willing to give up his own blessings to save all sentient beings.
16. 她在菩萨的庇佑下平安度过了难关。
She passed through the difficulties safely under the protection of the Bodhisattva.
17. 菩萨以无私的慈悲心感动了众生。
The Bodhisattva's selfless compassion has touched all sentient beings.
18. 他们每年都举行盛大的菩萨节庆典。
They hold grand Bodhisattva festivals every year.
19. 菩萨的慈悲之心让人感到温暖和安慰。
The Bodhisattva's compassionate heart brings warmth and comfort to people.
20. 他们在家里供奉了一尊文殊菩萨的像。
They enshrined a statue of Manjusri Bodhisattva at home.
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