1. 雷声轰隆,天空中闪烁着闪电。
The thunder roared, and lightning flickered in the sky.
2. 瀑布从悬崖上轰隆而下,震耳欲聋。
The waterfall thundered down from the cliff, deafeningly loud.
3. 火车轰隆而过,震动了整个地面。
The train thundered by, shaking the entire ground.
4. 暴风雨中的闪电和雷声轰隆,让人感到害怕。
The lightning and thunder in the storm roared, making people feel scared.
5. 火山爆发时,熔岩轰隆而下,席卷一切。
When the volcano erupted, the lava roared down, engulfing everything.
6. 阵风轰隆而过,吹倒了树木。
The gust of wind roared through, toppling trees.
7. 轰隆声从远处传来,似乎是雷声。
The rumble came from afar, sounding like thunder.
8. 冰川崩解时,冰块轰隆而下,形成了巨大的冰川泥石流。
When the glacier broke apart, the ice roared down, forming a massive glacier mudflow.
9. 轰隆声伴随着地震,吓坏了居民。
The roar accompanied the earthquake, frightening the residents.
10. 爆炸声轰隆,震动了整个城市。
The explosion roared, shaking the entire city.
11. 机器轰隆作响,工厂里一片忙碌的景象。
The machines roared, and the factory was a scene of bustling activity.
12. 战机轰隆而过,震耳欲聋。
The fighter jets roared by, deafeningly loud.
13. 轰隆声从山谷中传出,仿佛是巨兽的咆哮。
The roar came from the valley, as if it were the roar of a giant beast.
14. 火箭发射时,发动机轰隆作响。
When the rocket launched, the engines roared.
15. 轰隆声响彻整个森林,吓得动物们四处逃窜。
The roar echoed through the entire forest, frightening the animals into fleeing.
16. 风暴席卷而来,轰隆声响彻云霄。
The storm swept in, with a roar echoing through the sky.
17. 轰隆声伴随着山崩地裂,席卷了整个村庄。
The roar accompanied the landslide, engulfing the entire village.
18. 火车驶过隧道时,发出了轰隆的声音。
The train made a roaring sound as it passed through the tunnel.
19. 汽车轰隆而过,扬起了尘土。
The cars roared by, kicking up dust.
20. 洪水冲击岸边,轰隆声震耳欲聋。
The flood surged against the bank, with a deafening roar.
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