1. 小明总是调皮捣蛋,让老师头疼不已。
Xiaoming is always naughty and mischievous, which makes the teacher headache.
2. 那个调皮的孩子又把爸爸的手机藏起来了。
The naughty child hid his father's phone again.
3. 她的调皮举止让人忍俊不禁。
Her mischievous behavior is so amusing.
4. 这个调皮的小猫总是偷偷溜出家门。
This naughty little cat always sneaks out of the house.
5. 他调皮地在教室里做了一个假面具。
He mischievously made a mask in the classroom.
6. 她的调皮行为让她成为了班上的开心果。
Her mischievous behavior made her the class clown.
7. 他调皮地偷偷在同学的书包里放了一只玩具蜥蜴。
He mischievously put a toy lizard in his classmate's backpack.
8. 那个调皮的孩子总是惹得家里乱七八糟的。
That naughty child always causes chaos at home.
9. 小狗调皮地跳到了沙发上。
The puppy mischievously jumped onto the sofa.
10. 她调皮地偷偷把哥哥的鞋藏起来了。
She mischievously hid her brother's shoes secretly.
11. 那个调皮的男孩总是惹得老师生气。
That mischievous boy always annoys the teacher.
12. 小猫调皮地在花园里追逐着蝴蝶。
The kitten mischievously chased butterflies in the garden.
13. 他调皮地在教室里画了一副笑脸。
He mischievously drew a smiley face in the classroom.
14. 那个调皮的女孩经常捉弄她的弟弟。
That naughty girl often teases her little brother.
15. 小狗调皮地跳到了床上。
The puppy mischievously jumped onto the bed.
16. 她的调皮行为让她成为了班上的宠儿。
Her mischievous behavior made her the favorite in the class.
17. 那个调皮的孩子总是惹得爸妈生气。
That naughty child always annoys his parents.
18. 小猫调皮地抓着毛线球玩耍。
The kitten mischievously played with a ball of yarn.
19. 他调皮地偷偷在同学的书本里画了一些小动物。
He mischievously drew some little animals in his classmate's book.
20. 那个调皮的小男孩总是偷偷溜出家门。
That naughty little boy always sneaks out of the house.
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