1. 这个甬道通向山顶,风景非常壮观。
The corridor leads to the top of the mountain, with stunning views.
2. 他们沿着甬道行走,来到了古老的庙宇。
They walked along the corridor and arrived at the ancient temple.
3. 这条甬道很宽敞,可以容纳很多人同时通行。
The corridor is spacious enough to accommodate many people walking at the same time.
4. 甬道两侧装饰着美丽的壁画。
The walls of the corridor are decorated with beautiful murals.
5. 这个甬道通往地下室。
This corridor leads to the basement.
6. 我们在甬道上行走,听到了远处传来的脚步声。
As we walked along the corridor, we heard footsteps coming from a distance.
7. 甬道两旁摆放着很多艺术品。
Many artworks are displayed on both sides of the corridor.
8. 他们匆匆走过甬道,来到了会议室。
They hurried through the corridor and arrived at the conference room.
9. 这条甬道通往了一个神秘的地方。
This corridor leads to a mysterious place.
10. 甬道的灯光昏暗,给人一种神秘的感觉。
The corridor's dim lighting gives it a mysterious atmosphere.
11. 这条甬道非常长,我们走了很久才走到尽头。
The corridor is very long, and it took us a long time to reach the end.
12. 甬道里弥漫着一股古老的气息。
The corridor is filled with an ancient atmosphere.
13. 他们在甬道上迷路了,不知道该往哪个方向走。
They got lost in the corridor and didn't know which way to go.
14. 甬道里的墙壁上挂满了历史照片。
The walls of the corridor are covered with historical photographs.
15. 这条甬道被设计成了迷宫一样,让人容易迷失方向。
The corridor is designed like a maze, making it easy for people to get lost.
16. 他们沿着甬道走去,一路上欣赏着美丽的景色。
They walked along the corridor, enjoying the beautiful scenery along the way.
17. 这个甬道通往了一个隐藏的花园。
This corridor leads to a hidden garden.
18. 甬道里的墙壁上挂着许多古老的地图。
Many ancient maps are hung on the walls of the corridor.
19. 甬道里的灯光非常柔和,给人一种温馨的感觉。
The corridor's lighting is very soft, giving it a warm feeling.
20. 他们在甬道里追逐着彼此,充满了快乐和童趣。
They chased each other in the corridor, full of joy and childlike fun.
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