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1. duìwàiguórényǒupiānjiànzǒngshìduìmenchí怀huáitài。(He is biased against foreigners and always treats them with suspicion.)

2. 她对这个团队的成员有偏见,总是质疑他们的能力。(She has a bias against the members of this team and always questions their abilities.)

2. menyīnggāijǐnliàngmiǎnpiānjiàngěiměiréngōngpíngdehuì。(We should try to avoid bias and give everyone a fair chance.)

4. 他因为种族偏见而被指控犯下了恶意罪行。(He was charged with committing a malicious crime due to racial prejudice.)

3. yàoràngderénpiānjiànyǐngxiǎngduìzhèwèndepànduàn。(Don't let your personal bias influence your judgment on this issue.)

6. 这个社会存在着对女性的偏见,导致她们很难在职场上取得成功。(There is a bias against women in this society, making it difficult for them to succeed in the workplace.)

4. menyīnggāixiāochúduìtóngwénhuàdepiānjiànjìnxiédeshèhuìzhǎn。(We should strive to eliminate bias against different cultures to promote harmonious social development.)

8. 他的评论充满了性别偏见,完全忽视了女性的能力。(His comments are filled with gender bias, completely ignoring the abilities of women.)

5. zhèguānyīnwèizhǒngpiānjiànérbèichèzhí。(The judge was removed from office due to racial bias.)

10. 我们需要教育人们如何认识和对待他们可能持有的偏见。(We need to educate people on how to recognize and address their potential biases.)

6. depiānjiàn使shǐguānpíngjiàzhèwèn。(His bias prevents him from objectively evaluating this issue.)

12. 这篇文章揭示了媒体对某个群体的偏见。(This article exposes the media's bias against a certain group.)

7. mennéngyīnwèiréndewàimàojiùduìmenyǒupiānjiàn。(We should not have bias against someone based on their appearance.)

14. 这个社区存在对同性恋者的偏见,导致他们面临歧视。(There is bias against homosexuals in this community, leading to discrimination against them.)

8. dezhèngshòudàoleláifǎnduìpàidepiānjiàn。(His policies are subject to bias from the opposition.)

16. 这个城市存在对穷人的偏见,导致他们很难获得公平的机会。(There is bias against the poor in this city, making it difficult for them to access fair opportunities.)

9. deguāndiǎnchōngmǎnlezōngjiàopiānjiànquēxìngkǎo。(His views are filled with religious bias and lack rational thinking.)

18. 我们需要教育孩子们如何看待和处理种族偏见。(We need to educate children on how to perceive and handle racial bias.)

10. méibàodàodepiānjiànhuìyǐngxiǎnggōngzhòngduìmǒushìjiàndekàn。(Media bias in reporting can influence public perception of a certain event.)

20. 我们应该尊重每个人的个人选择,不要因为自己的偏见而对他们进行指责。(We should respect everyone's personal choices and not condemn them based on our own biases.)


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