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1. deqīngtiāozhǐràngréngǎndàohěnshū。 (Her light-hearted behavior makes people feel uncomfortable.)

2. 他的轻佻态度让他失去了许多朋友。 (His frivolous attitude caused him to lose many friends.)

2. zǒngshìdàizheqīngtiāodexiàoróngràngrénjuédegòuzhēnchéng。 (She always wears a frivolous smile making people feel she is not sincere enough.)

4. 他的轻佻言行让人觉得他缺乏尊重。 (His flippant words and actions make people feel he lacks respect.)

3. deqīngtiāotàiràngzàigōngzuòchǎngzhōngshīlexìnrèn。 (Her frivolous attitude caused her to lose trust in the workplace.)

6. 他对待感情总是轻佻不经思考。 (He always treats relationships frivolously without thinking.)

4. deqīngtiāozhǐyǐnlezhòngréndemǎn。 (Her light-hearted behavior caused dissatisfaction among the crowd.)

8. 他的轻佻态度让人觉得他不够成熟。 (His frivolous attitude makes people feel he is not mature enough.)

5. deqīngtiāoyánràngrénjuédegòurènzhēn。 (Her flippant words make people feel she is not serious enough.)

10. 他的轻佻举止让人觉得他缺乏责任感。 (His light-hearted behavior makes people feel he lacks a sense of responsibility.)

6. deqīngtiāotàiràngshīlehěnduōhuì。 (Her frivolous attitude caused her to miss out on many opportunities.)

12. 他的轻佻言行让人觉得他不够成熟。 (His flippant words and actions make people feel he is not mature enough.)

7. zǒngshìqīngtiāodefāngshìduìdàibiéréndegǎnshòu。 (She always treats others' feelings in a frivolous manner.)

14. 他的轻佻态度让人觉得他不够真诚。 (His frivolous attitude makes people feel he is not sincere enough.)

8. deqīngtiāozhǐràngzàishèjiāochǎngzhōngxiǎndehěnrán。 (Her light-hearted behavior makes her appear unnatural in social situations.)

16. 他的轻佻态度让人觉得他不够认真。 (His frivolous attitude makes people feel he is not serious enough.)

9. deqīngtiāoyánràngrénjuédegòuzūnzhòng。 (Her flippant words make people feel she lacks respect.)

18. 他的轻佻举止引起了他朋友们的不满。 (His light-hearted behavior caused dissatisfaction among his friends.)

10. zǒngshìqīngtiāodefāngshìduìdàidegōngzuò。 (She always treats her work in a frivolous manner.)

20. 他的轻佻态度让人觉得他缺乏责任感。 (His frivolous attitude makes people feel he lacks a sense of responsibility.)


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